
这是我们组织价值观和使命的自然产物, 董事会, 医务人员, and employees of Saint Francis Medical Center jointly affirm and recognize the following rights and responsibilities of patients. These rights and responsibilities apply to all patients, including neonatal, pediatric and adult. 如果您对此信息有任何疑问, 请让您的医疗保健提供者联系主管或经理:


作为病人, you have the right to impartial care and treatment that is available in our Medical Center regardless of race, 信条, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄或经济状况. 患者可以自由地提出抱怨和建议,而不会受到强迫, 歧视, 报复, 或不合理地中断护理, 治疗和服务.


  • 你 have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times and under all circumstances.
  • 你有权获得教牧辅导和精神关怀服务.
  • 你有权拥有自己的文化, 社会心理, 精神上的, 个人价值观, 信仰, 尊重个人偏好.
  • 你 may wear appropriate clothing and religious or other symbolic items as long as they do not interfere with diagnostic procedures or treatments.


你可以期待有关疼痛和缓解疼痛措施的信息, 对疼痛报告反应迅速的卫生专业人员, 以及最先进的疼痛管理.


在法律规定的范围内,您有权保护个人和医疗信息的隐私. 你 may refuse to talk to or see anyone not officially connected with Saint Francis Medical Center, including visitors or persons officially connected with Saint Francis Medical Center but not directly involved in your care.

你 can expect that your medical records will be treated as confidential information and that only those persons who are directly involved in your care or in monitoring it will have access to your records. 只有您的书面授权才能更改此内容.

  • 您或您的代理决策者有权同意或拒绝拟议的治疗.
  • 你 also have the right to consult with a specialist and to know about alternative methods of treatment and the probable outcomes.
  • 你 have the right to be informed if the Medical Center proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation affecting your care or treatment.
  • 您有权拒绝参加此类研究项目.


您有权以您首选的通信方式(书面方式)接收信息, 口头, 通信板, 等.). 这可以包括 口译和笔译服务 根据需要免费提供. 这也包括为你提供必要的帮助,如果你有视力, 演讲, 听力或认知障碍.


您或您的家人可能会觉得需要保护性服务(例如.e.、监护、监护、儿童或成人保护服务). 如果你有投诉要提交, 医疗中心会给你一份名单, 地址, 电话号码,他们会尽一切可能帮助你.


你 have the right to reasonable safety as far as Medical Center practices and environment are concerned.


有时病人, 家庭和工作人员有困难的选择和道德问题,他们需要谈论(e).g.(如有关临终关怀的问题)或与您的权利和责任有关的问题(如.g.(安全、疼痛管理、保密). 伦理委员会的成员可以解决困难的伦理问题. To access the 伦理委员会, ask your healthcare provider to contact a supervisor or manager.


你 have the right to information regarding the identity and professional status of the physician treating you. 你, 你的代理决策者, 或者在适当的时候, 你的家人, 是否有权与医生讨论所有手术的结果. 这个解释应该足够清楚,你可以理解. 您也有权参与您的护理计划,并了解所涉及的风险. 如果我们不能给你这个信息, 它应该给合法授权的人接收. 你 have the right to be included in any discussions/decisions regarding ethical issues in your care.


您有权参与您的出院计划, 包括可用的服务选项和提供这些服务的机构的选择. 你 have the right not to be transferred to another facility unless the reason for it and the alternatives have been explained to you and unless the next facility agrees to accept you. 你 have the right to be instructed in your continued self-care before your discharge from Saint Francis Medical Center.


患者有权通过电话请求协助制定出院计划 573-331-5339 在离开赌博正规软件下载之前. 在周末和节假日,请拨打医疗中心的接线员“0”或 573-331-3000 找值班管理员. 轮班管理员会联系一名社工来协助办理出院手续.


您有权收到详细的账单和费用说明. 您也有权通知终止第三方付款人的报销.


你有权不受虐待、骚扰、忽视或剥削. 你 also have the right to know Medical Center rules and regulations for patient care and for handling complaints.


你 have the right to be informed of the Medical Center’s patient complaint and grievance policies and procedures and who to contact to assist in resolution of a concern. 您也有权提出投诉或申诉,并期望得到迅速解决.

病人的投诉是与护理质量有关的问题, 在员工在场的情况下可以迅速解决的安全或服务问题. We encourage you to inform us of any complaint you may have while you are in our care so it will be addressed in a timely manner. 如果你有抱怨, 我们鼓励您通知您的护士或其他提供者,他们将努力解决您的担忧.

A patient grievance is a complaint that cannot be resolved at the time it is brought to the Medical Center’s attention by staff present and can be in 口头 or written form. If you feel your complaint has not been resolved promptly, you may file a grievance by contacting 贾斯汀•戴维森他是圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统的总裁兼首席财务官 573-331-5128. 你亦可致电病人护理关注热线 573-331-3927. 如果你想以书面形式表达你的不满, 你可以寄到圣弗朗西斯路211号, 开普吉拉多市, MO 63703. 你将被告知你的申诉已经收到,并将被调查. 此外,一旦申诉得到解决,您将收到书面答复. All information regarding your complaint and resolution will be kept confidential and will not compromise the care you will receive.

如果你对这里有不满, 你可以随时向密苏里州卫生和老年服务部报告, P.O. 密苏里州杰佛逊市570号信箱,邮编65102-0570,或致电 573-751-6303. 你也可以联系联合委员会, 文艺复兴大道1号, lisle的露台, i60181,请拨 630-792-5000.


请参阅我们的 不歧视通知书


  • 作为病人, you have the responsibility to provide information about your present and past illnesses and treatments.
  • 你 have the responsibility to communicate whether or not you understand the treatment plan designed for you.
  • 你 and 你的家人 are responsible for reporting unexpected changes in your condition to the responsible practitioner.


你有责任与医生和护士讨论缓解方案, 帮助医生和护士评估疼痛, 如果你的疼痛没有缓解,告诉医生和护士.


你 have the responsibility to respect other patients and the personnel involved in your care and treatment. 你 are responsible for being respectful of the property of other persons and Saint Francis Medical Center.


你 have the responsibility to participate in the teaching and treatment plan recommended by the personnel who care for you. 你 and 你的家人 are responsible for following the treatment plan developed with your practitioners.

你 should express any concerns you have about your ability to follow the proposed course of treatment. 医疗中心, 反过来, 你会尽一切努力使治疗计划适应你的特殊需要和局限性吗.

你 and 你的家人 should understand the consequences of failing to follow the recommended course of treatment or of using other treatments. 如果你或你的家人拒绝治疗或不遵守医生的指示, 你要对结果负责.

有时在治疗过程中会出现分歧. 通常这些分歧是可以通过交谈解决的. 然而,如果他们继续,你应该告诉你的医生或护理协调员. 他们可以帮助你找到其他的决心.


你 are responsible for meeting the financial obligations of your health care as promptly as possible.


世界各地的人们都面临着关于生命维持系统等问题的决定, 为自己和家人进行营养和复苏. 赌博软件下注知道这些问题的重要性. 我们希望为您提供一些信息,以帮助回答您可能遇到的问题.


A U.S. 最高法院的裁决表明,所有有能力的人都可以拒绝接受治疗. 这包括延长生命的程序. 这项裁决还赋予你指定其他人为你做出这些决定的权利, 如果你不能为自己创造. An advance directive is a paper, such as a living will or durable power of attorney, for healthcare. 这可以让你让别人知道,如果你不能为自己说话,你想要什么. 如果制定得当, your advance directive should be honored in any state according to that state’s law and Medical Center policy.

病人 interested in information on advance directives should notify their nurse or contact Pastoral Care at 573-331-5146.


医生, nurses and clinical staff at Saint Francis Medical Center are dedicated to keeping patients healthy by providing very good care. 提供反馈, or if you’d like to let us know about an area where Saint Francis does not meet a need or where room exists for improvement, 请打电话给 573-331-3927.

如果您的问题没有得到解决,您可以联系卫生和老年服务部P.O. 密苏里州杰斐逊城570号信箱65102-0570 (573-751-6303),或位于文艺复兴大道1号的医疗机构认证联合委员会.6楼60181 (800-994-6610).

欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 病人的权利,责任,预先指示和财政援助小册子.